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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

shive englanniksi

  1. A slice, especially of bread.

  2. 1980, Anthony Burgess, Earthly Powers:

  3. In my cool room with the shutters shut and the thin shives of air and light coming through the slats, I cried myself to sleep in an overloud selfpitying transport.
  4. puhekieltä A sheave.

  5. A beam or plank of split wood.

  6. A flat, wide cork for plugging a large hole.

  7. puhekieltä A splinter; a particle of fluff on the surface of cloth or other material.

  8. puhekieltä A particle of impurity in finished paper.

  9. (alternative form of)

  10. 2006, Thomas Pynchon, Against the Day (Vintage 2007), page 50:

  11. So every alleyway down here, every shadow big enough to hide a shive artist with a grudge, is a warm invitation to rewrite history.
  12. (alternative spelling of)

  13. 2010, w:William Labov|William Labov, A Life of Learning

  14. There are some cultural details in Schissel’s story that are specific to the Jewish community: the family sits shive (seven days of mourning for the dead), and the preference for silence at that time.
