

  1. vaihteleva

  2. epäluotettavan oloinen



epävakaa, hoippuva, tärisevä, värisevä, liikkuva, vaihteleva, epäluotettava, petollinen, epäluotettavan oloinen, katala.

Rimmaavat sanat

shifty rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

shifty (englanti > suomi)

  1. epäluotettavan oloinen

shifty englanniksi

  1. Having the appearance of someone dishonest, criminal or unreliable; such as someone with shifty eyes.

  2. He was a shifty character in a seedy bar and I checked my wallet was still there after talking to him.

  3. Subject to frequent changes in direction.

  4. 1971, Henry Handel Richardson, Ultima Thule (page 121)

  5. Off he raced, shuffling his bare feet through the hot, dry, shifty sand. But it was no good: she didn't care.
  6. Full of, or ready with, shifts or expedients.

  7. (rfquotek)

  8. Charles Kingsley

  9. Shifty and thrifty as old Greek or modern Scot, there were few things he could not invent, and perhaps nothing he could not endure.
