


rakentava, muodostava, muovaava, tuottaminen, tuotanto, valmistus, teollisuus, muotoilu, viilaaminen, taonta.

Rimmaavat sanat

shaping rimmaa näiden kanssa:

camping, dumping, doping, veridoping...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

shaping englanniksi

  1. The action of the verb to shape.

  2. 1996, Mike Michael, Constructing Identities: The Social, the Nonhuman and Change

  3. In contrast to the (to be sure, productive) shapings and constrainings of human identities in the sociotechnical network, here we have an expansion of identity.
  4. puhekieltä A method of positive reinforcement of behaviour patterns in operant conditioning.

  5. (present participle of)
