

  1. nujakointi



ponnistelu, kamppailu, hässäkkä, käsirysy, kahakka, tappelu, taistelu, nujakka, yhteenotto, kina, kuokka, kamppailla, tapella, taistella, nujakoida, kahakoida.

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scuffle rimmaa näiden kanssa:

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

scuffle (englanti > suomi)

  1. käsirysy, nujakka, kahakka, kahina

  2. nujakoida, kahakoida, kahista, kärhämöidä

  3. laahustaa

  4. kitkuttaa, kituuttaa, kitkutella, nitkuttaa

scuffle englanniksi

  1. A rough, disorderly fight or struggle at close quarters.

  2. 1692, (w), “Fable CCCCLXIV. A Trusty Dog and His Master.”, in Fables of Æsop and Other Eminent Mythologists: With Morals and Reflexions, London: Printed for Richard Sare, T. Sawbridge, B. Took, Matthew Gillyflower, A. & J. Churchil, and Joseph Hindmarsh, (w) 12706417; 2nd corrected and amended edition, London: Printed for Richard Sare, B. Took, Matthew Gillyflower, A. & J. Churchil, Joseph Hindmarsh, and George Sawbridge, 1694, (w) 606109080, page 435:

  3. The Dog leaps upon the Serpent, and Tears it to Pieces; but in the Scuffle the Cradle happen'd to be Overturn'd: (..)
  4. (quote-web)|date=11 June 2016|passage=Fights ensued as many England supporters attempted to retreat before some stewards moved in. Intermittent scuffles continued to break out until the section of the crowd where the trouble started was vacated.

  5. A Dutch hoe, manipulated by both pushing and pulling.

  6. puhekieltä A child's pinafore or bib.

  7. puhekieltä To fight or struggle confusedly at close quarters.

  8. (quote-book)|title=w:Eikon Basilike|Εἰκὼν Βασιλική Eikōn Basilikē = Royal Portrait. The Pourtraicture of His Sacred Maiestie, in His Solitvdes and Svfferings|location=London?|publisher=s.n.|year=1648|page=15|pageurl=|oclc=612476868|passage=Certainly a gallant man had rather fight to great diſadvantages for number and place in the field in an orderly way, then ſcuffle with an undiſciplined rabble.

  9. puhekieltä To walk with a shuffling gait.

  10. puhekieltä To make a living with difficulty, get by|getting by on a low income, to struggle financially.
