


arvopaperi, väliaikainen osakekirja.

Rimmaavat sanat

scrip rimmaa näiden kanssa:

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

scrip englanniksi

  1. A small medieval bag used to carry food, money, utensils etc.

  2. 1919, w:Ronald Firbank|Ronald Firbank, w:Valmouth Valmouth, Duckworth, hardback edition, page 9

  3. Depositing his scrip in the outhouse the cowherd glanced around.
  4. 1964 w:Anthony Burgess|Anthony Burgess, Nothing Like the Sun

  5. A night promising fair, scented, the moon in her third quarter, nightingales in the wood, WS, in worn cloak against the morning’s chill, empty scrip and purse, taking the road. —
  6. Small change.

  7. 1899, w:Edward Everett Hale|Edward Everett Hale, The Brick Moon and Other Stories, (Short Story Index Reprint Series), Project Gutenberg, 1999, Etext 1633

  8. In reading it in 1899, I am afraid that the readers of a hard, money generation may not know that "scrip" was in the sixties the name for small change.
  9. A scrap of paper.

  10. A document certifying possession of land, or in lieu of money.

  11. A voucher or token coin used in payrolls under the w:truck system|truck system; chitEtymology_2 chit.

  12. Any substitute for legal tender that is produced by a natural person or private legal person and is often a form of credit.

  13. A share certificate.

  14. puhekieltä A medical prescription.
