salto mortale


salto mortale

hypätä, hypätä (alas), hypätä, hätkähtää, hypätä, etuilla, hyppy, hyppy, hyppy, sätky.

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hetale, ketale, retale, kaitale, vinokaitale, vyötärökaitale, kaistale, maakaistale, pirstale, hiutale...

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Englannin sanakirja

salto mortale (englanti > suomi)

  1. surmanhyppy

salto mortale englanniksi

  1. A dangerous and daring jump with possibly lethal outcome.

  2. puhekieltä A risky, dangerous or crucial step or undertaking.

  3. 1867 July, (w), “At Padua” in w:The Atlantic|The Atlantic Monthly: A Magazine of Literature, Science, Art, and Politics, volume XX, № CXVII, chapter i, page (gbooks):

  4. (lang)
  5. 1919, (w), s:The Source and Aim of Human Progress|The Source and Aim of Human Progress:

  6. The frenzied, suggestible, gregarious, subconscious self, freed from all rational restraints, celebrated its delirious orgies, its corybantic bacchanalia, held its mad salto mortale over the grave of crucified humanity.
