

  1. nousija

Liittyvät sanat: rise



henkilö, ihminen, henki, putki, putkisto, letku, varvaslauta, nousuputki, tukirakenne, aamuvirkku, herääjä.

Rimmaavat sanat

riser rimmaa näiden kanssa:

laser, suurteholaser, košer, besserwisser...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

riser englanniksi

  1. Someone or something which rises.

  2. A platform or stand used to lift or elevate something.

  3. The choir stood on risers for the performance.

  4. The vertical part of a step on a staircase.

  5. puhekieltä The main body of a bow.

  6. A conduit or path between floors of a building for placement of telephone, networking, and other utility cables.

  7. A pipe connecting an individual exhaust port of an internal combustion engine to the muffler, particularly on aircraft.

  8. A Manx cat with a showable short tail.

  9. Present tense of riseNorwegian rise
