

  1. vastaus

  2. vastatoimi

Liittyvät sanat: responsive, responsiveness



reaktio, automatismi, korvike, ylireagointi, galvaaninen ihoreaktio, GSR, psykogalvaaninen refleksi, elektrodermaalinen refleksi, ruumiintoiminto, toiminto.

Rimmaavat sanat

response rimmaa näiden kanssa:

se, ase, murha-ase, ilma-ase, surma-ase, ampuma-ase, ilmatorjunta-ase, panssarintorjunta-ase, sädease, striptease...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

response (englanti > suomi)

  1. vastaus

response englanniksi

  1. (senseid)An answer or reply, or something in the nature of an answer or reply.

  2. (senseid)The act of responding or replying; reply: as, to speak in response to a question.

  3. An oracular answer.

  4. (liturgics) A verse, sentence, phrase, or word said or sung by the choir or congregation in sequence or reply to the priest or officiant.

  5. (liturgics) A versicle or anthem said or sung during or after a lection; a respond or responsory.

  6. A reply to an objection in formal disputation.

  7. An online advertising performance metric representing one click-through from an online ad to its destination URL.

  8. A reaction to a stimulus or provocation.

  9. {{quote-magazine|year=2013|month=July-August|author= Stephen P. Lownie, David M. Pelz

  10. (inflection of)

  11. (l)
