

  1. korjaus


home repair

Liittyvät sanat: repairman



parannus, parantaminen, edistys, korjaus, kunnostus, huolto, korjaaminen, parsiminen, paikkaaminen, fiksaus, paikkaus, hoitaminen, ylläpito, kunnossapito, tilapäisratkaisu, kyhäelmä, väliaikaisratkaisu.

Rimmaavat sanat

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

repair (englanti > suomi)

  1. korjaus, korjaaminen

  2. korjaus

  3. korjata, kunnostaa, remontoida

  4. lomamatka

  5. lempipaikka

  6. siirtyä

repair englanniksi

  1. The act of repairing something.

  2. (ux)

  3. (quote-magazine)

  4. The result of repairing something.

  5. The condition of something, in respect of need for repair.

  6. To restore to good working order, fix, or improve damaged condition; to mend; to remedy.

  7. to repair a house, a road, a shoe, or a ship

    to repair a shattered fortune

  8. Milton

  9. secret refreshings that repair his strength
  10. Wordsworth

  11. Do thou, as thou art wont, repair / My heart with gladness.
  12. To make amends for, as for an injury, by an equivalent; to indemnify for.

  13. to repair a loss or damage

  14. Shakespeare

  15. I'll repair the misery thou dost bear.
  16. The act of repairing or resorting to a place.

  17. our annual repair to the mountains

  18. Clarendon

  19. The king sent a proclamation for their repair to their houses.
  20. A place to which one goes frequently or habitually; a haunt.

  21. Dryden

  22. There the fierce winds his tender force assail / And beat him downward to his first repair.
  23. To transfer oneself to another place.

  24. (w) (1688-1744)

  25. Go, mount the winds, and to the shades repair.
  26. 1850, (w), (w)

  27. I heard the visitors repair to their chambers.
  28. (RQ:Frgsn Zlnstn)

  29. That finished, I repaired to my room, one flight up, and, after a thorough wash, seated myself, pipe in mouth, at the little window that opened on the Rue Garde. I had nothing more exciting on hand than to wait for word from Von Lindowe. I sincerely hoped that it would not be long, for it is not my forte to sit twiddling my thumbs.
  30. to pair again
