

  1. löyhkätä



haju, tuoksu, hajuaistimus, paha haju, löyhkä, lemu, myrkyllinen haju, tihkua, kohota, pursua, erittää, olla täynnä, höyrytä, herättää, tuoda mieleen, löyhkätä, lemuta, haista, lemahtaa, maistua, haiskahtaa, vaikuttaa.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

reek (englanti > suomi)

  1. löyhkä, lemu

  2. löyhkätä, lemuta

reek englanniksi

  1. A strong unpleasant smell.

  2. vapor Vapor; steam; smoke; fume.

  3. Shakespeare

  4. As hateful to me as the reek of a limekiln.
  5. Helenore; or, the fortunate Shepherdess: a Poem in the Broad Scoth Dialect, (w), 1768:

  6. Now, by this time, the sun begins to leam,
    And lit the hill-heads with his morning beam;
    And birds, and beasts, and folk to be a-steer,
    And clouds o’ reek frae lum heads to appear.
  7. puhekieltä To be emitted or exhaled, emanate, as of vapour or perfume.

  8. To have or give off a strong, unpleasant smell.

  9. You reek of perfume.

    Your fridge reeks of egg.

  10. puhekieltä To be evidently associated with something unpleasant.

  11. The boss appointing his nephew as a director reeks of nepotism.

  12. puhekieltä A hill; a mountain.

  13. English reek

  14. smoke
