

  1. pelastaa



punastua, värjäytyä, haalistua, tummua, värjääntyä, värittää, värjätä, punata, punertua.

Rimmaavat sanat

redden rimmaa näiden kanssa:

eeden, kahden, kohden, nähden, tähden, sen tähden, minkä tähden, loden, myöden...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

redden (englanti > suomi)

  1. punertua, punehtua; punastua (of sbs face, as an emotional reaction'')

  2. punata; punastuttaa (cause an emotional reaction on sbs face'')

redden englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä To become red or redder.

  2. 1769, w:Plautus Plautus, Bonnell Thornton (translation), "The Captives", The Comedies of Plautus, T. Becket and P. A. De Hondt, page 341

  3. But I will make you blush; nay, I will make you redden all over.
  4. 1794, w:William Hamilton (Jacobite poet)|William Hamilton, "Mithridates", Poems on Several Occasions, W. Gordon, page 258

  5. Ere this had 'reddend''' with my odious blood.
  6. 1997, (w), (w), Faber & Faber, "Phaethon," lines 227-9, p. 32,

  7. When the sun-god saw that, and the reddening sky
    And the waning moon seeming to thaw
    He called the Hours to yoke the horses.
  8. puhekieltä To make red or redder.

  9. 1884, (w), Becket, Act I, Scene 4,

  10. God redden your pale blood!
  11. 1942, (w), "Country Words" in The Collected Poems of Wallace Stevens, Knopf, 1971, p. 207,

  12. (..) If the cloud that hangs
    Upon the heart and round the mind
    Cleared from the north and in that height
    The sun appeared and reddened great
    Belshazzar's brow, O, ruler, rude
    With rubies then, attend me now.
  13. 1969, (w), The Bacchae of Euripides, Norton, 1974, p. 19,

  14. Then listen Thebes, nurse of Semele,
    Crown your hair with ivy
    Turn your fingers green with bryony
    Redden your walls with berries.
  15. to save, rescue

  16. (sv-noun-form-def)
