

  1. vastaanottaja; maksunsaaja; saaja

  2. laki pesänhoitaja

  3. vastaanotin

  4. yhteys|puhelimen kuuloke

  5. keräysastia, vastaanottosäiliö

  6. yhteys|asetekniikka lukkokehys

Liittyvät sanat: recipient



radiosuunnin, suuntimislaite, radiovastaanotin, radio, vastaanotin, laite.

Rimmaavat sanat

receiver rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

receiver (englanti > suomi)

  1. vastaanottaja, saaja

  2. selvitysmies

  3. luukuttaja slang

  4. vastaanotin

  5. kuuloke, luuri

  6. laitahyökkääjä

  7. vastaanottaja

  8. välittäjä, resiiveri

  9. höyrynerotin

receiver englanniksi

  1. A person who or thing that receives or is intended to receive something.

  2. Charles Dickens, The Begging-Letter Writer

  3. I, the writer of this paper, have been, for some time, a chosen receiver of Begging Letters.
  4. A trustee appointed to hold and administer property involved in litigation.

  5. A person appointed to settle the affairs of an insolvent entity.

  6. A person who accepts stolen goods.

  7. Any of several electronic devices that receive signals and convert them into sound or vision.

  8. A telephone handset.

  9. puhekieltä An offensive player who catches the ball after it has been passed.

  10. puhekieltä A person who attempts to return the ball after it has been serve served.

  11. An element of a mechanical or other system or device designed to accept another element.

  12. puhekieltä The part of a firearm containing the action.

  13. A vessel for receiving the exhaust steam from the high-pressure cylinder before it enters the low-pressure cylinder, in a compound steam engine.

  14. A capacious vessel for receiving steam from a distant boiler, and supplying it dry to an engine.
