


kulma, nurkka, lakikivi, kiila, rakennelma.

Rimmaavat sanat

quoin rimmaa näiden kanssa:

ehdoin tahdoin, vihdoin, pahoin, liioin, paikoin, paikka paikoin, kohdakkoin, piakkoin, hiljakkoin, tarkoin...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

quoin englanniksi

  1. Any of the corner building blocks of a building, usually larger or more ornate than the surrounding blocks.

  2. (w)

  3. In Casterbridge there stood a noble pile, (..)
    But evil days beset that domicile;
    The stately beauties of its roof and wall
    Passed into sordid hands. Condemned to fall
    Were cornice, quoin, and cove,
    And all that art had wove in antique style.
  4. The keystone of an arch.

  5. A metal wedge which fits into the space between the type and the edge of a chase, and is tightened to fix the metal type in place.

  6. puhekieltä A form of wedge used to prevent casks from moving
