


tarkoituksellinen, tavoitteellinen, määrätietoinen, päättäväinen, epäsatunnainen.

Rimmaavat sanat

purposive rimmaa näiden kanssa:

taive, nilkkataive, polvitaive, kyynärtaive, nivustaive, viive, jive, live, toive, voitontoive...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

purposive englanniksi

  1. Serving a particular purpose; adapted to a given purpose, especially through natural evolution. (defdate)

  2. Done or performed with a conscious purpose or intent. (defdate)

  3. 2002, (w), The Great Nation, Penguin 2003, p. 191:

  4. Other ecclesiastics ... were similarly accepting of a space for purposive and beneficent human action and betterment in a disenchanted world.
  5. puhekieltä Pertaining to purpose, as reflected in behaviour or mental activity. (defdate)

  6. Pertaining to or demonstrating purpose. (defdate)

  7. 1971, (w), Religion and the Decline of Magic, Folio Society 2012, p. 78:

  8. The world was generally agreed to be a purposive one, responsive to the wishes of its Creator .
  9. Possessed of a firm purpose; determined, resolute. (defdate)

  10. puhekieltä Of a clause or conjunction: expressing purpose. (defdate)
