

  1. en-v-taivm|p|urg|ing|e



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purging rimmaa näiden kanssa:

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

purging englanniksi

  1. (present participle of)

  2. The act or an instance of eliminating contamination: a purification, a cleansing, particularly:

  3. (label) A removal of undesirable people.

  4. (label) The cleansing of a device by flushing it with water, steam, or some other liquid or gas.

  5. The removal of waste from the human body, particularly:

  6. (label) The removal of excess humors through bloodletting, induced vomitting, &c.

  7. (label) The removal of digested waste: defecation; defecation induced by laxatives.

  8. puhekieltä vomiting Vomiting; vomiting induced by purgatives.

  9. 1849, The Journal of Health and Disease, page 98:

  10. He had violent pains in his belly, and purgings...
  11. (label) That which is purged: contamination, a contaminant; refuse; sin; &c.

  12. (label) (synonym of): the act or an instance of removing guilt or suspicion of a misdeed.
