

  1. hohkakivi



kivi, kallio, hohkakivi, hangata, hinkata, hangata hohkakivellä.

Rimmaavat sanat

pumice rimmaa näiden kanssa:

soft ice...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

pumice (englanti > suomi)

  1. hohkakivi

pumice englanniksi

  1. A light, porous type of pyroclastic igneous rock, formed during explosive volcanic eruptions when liquid lava is ejected into the air as a froth containing masses of gas bubbles. As the lava solidifies, the bubbles are frozen into the rock.

  2. 1912, w:Katherine Mansfield|Katherine Mansfield, The Woman at the Store, Oxford World's Classics 2002, page 10

  3. The wind blew close to the ground - it rooted among the tussock grass - slithered along the road, so that the white pumice dust swirled in our faces - settled and sifted over us and was like a dry-skin itching for growth on our bodies.
  4. puhekieltä To abrade or roughen with pumice.

  5. (inflection of)
