

  1. yksityisomistuksellinen



merkki-, patentoitu, poropietari, tekijänoikeudellisesti suojattu, tavaramerkin.

Rimmaavat sanat

proprietary rimmaa näiden kanssa:

henry, sherry, sorry, curry, kärry, ostoskärry, peräkärry, country, jury, treasury...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

proprietary (englanti > suomi)

  1. oma, omistus-

  2. omistava, omistaja-

  3. alkuperäinen, alkuperäis-

proprietary englanniksi

  1. Of or relating to property or ownership, as proprietary rights.

  2. Of or relating to the quality of being an owner, as the proprietary class.

  3. Created or manufactured exclusively by the owner of intellectual property rights, as with a patent or trade secret.

  4. The continuous profitability of the company is based on its many proprietary products.

  5. (quote-book)

  6. Nonstandard and used only by one particular organization, as a proprietary extension to a standard.

  7. Privately owned, as a proprietary lake.

  8. puhekieltä possessive Possessive, jealous, or territorial.

  9. A proprietor or owner.

  10. (rfquotek)

  11. A body of proprietors, taken collectively.

  12. A monk who had reserved goods and belongings to himself, notwithstanding his renunciation of all at the time of profession.
