

  1. tuottava

  2. antelias, antoisa, hedelmällinen (tuloksia tuottava)

  3. yhteys|kielitiede|k=en produktiivinen


productive conversation

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luova, omaperäinen, hedelmällinen, kannattava, satoisa, tuottelias, tuottoisa.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

productive (englanti > suomi)

  1. tuottava, tuottoisa; hedelmällinen fertile

  2. tuloksellinen, tuloksekas

  3. tuotannollinen

  4. produktiivinen

  5. limainen, limaa irrottava">limaa irrottava, produktiivinen

productive englanniksi

  1. Capable of producing something, especially in abundance; fertile.

  2. yield Yielding good or useful results; constructive.

  3. Of, or relating to the creation of goods or services.

  4. puhekieltä Consistently applicable to any of an open set of words.

  5. (quote-book)

  6. Moreover, this relationship is a productive one, in the sense that when new Adjectives are created (e.g. ginormous concocted out of gigantic and enormous), then the corresponding Adverb form (in this case ginormously) can also be used. And in those exceptional cases where Adverbs do not end in -ly, they generally have the same form as the corresponding Adjective, as with hard, fast, etc.
  7. puhekieltä Of a cough, producing mucus or sputum from the respiratory tract.

  8. puhekieltä Of inflammation, producing new tissue.

  9. puhekieltä A type of set of natural numbers, related to mathematical logic.

  10. (ux)

  11. (feminine singular of)

  12. (inflection of)
