

  1. prioriteetti, suhteellinen tärkeys

  2. ensiksi tuleminen

  3. tavoite, päämäärä


priority development of heavy industry

She needs to get her priorities straight and stop playing games.

Liittyvät sanat: prioritise



aikaisuus, edeltävyys, aiemmuus, korkea asema, etusija, prioriteetti, hylly, taka-ala.

Rimmaavat sanat

priority rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

priority (englanti > suomi)

  1. prioriteetti, tärkeys

  2. tärkeysjärjestys, tavoite

priority englanniksi

  1. An item's relative importance.

  2. He set his e-mail messages priority to high.''

  3. A goal of a person or an organisation.

  4. She needs to get her priorities straight and stop playing games.

  5. puhekieltä A superior claim to use by virtue of being validly published at an earlier date.

  6. (RQ:Schuster Hepaticae V)

  7. Neither Jones(..) nor I (in 1966) could conceive of reducing our "science" to the ultimate absurdity of reading Finnish newspapers almost a century and a half old in order to establish "priority."
  8. puhekieltä Precedence; superior rank.

  9. 1608, w: William Shakespeare|William Shakespeare, s: The Tragedy of Coriolanus|The Tragedy of Coriolanus, I. i. 244:

  10. Follow Cominius. We must follow you. / Right worthy you priority.
