

  1. yhteys|fysiikka|k=en paine

  2. (fysiologia) stressi

  3. painostus



työntö, tönäisy, puristus, painallus, painauma, paineistaminen, voima, painostus, verenpaine, paine, painetaso, pinta-alaan kohdistuva voima.

Rimmaavat sanat

pressure rimmaa näiden kanssa:

force majeure, kure, houre, kuumehoure, suure, vakiosuure, satunnaissuure...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

pressure (englanti > suomi)

  1. paine, puristus

  2. taakka, paine

  3. paine, stressi

  4. paine

pressure englanniksi

  1. A pressing; a force applied to a surface.

  2. Apply pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding.

  3. A contrasting force or impulse of any kind

  4. ''the pressure of poverty; the pressure of taxes; the pressure of motives on the mind; the pressure of civilization.

  5. (rfdat) (w)

  6. Where the pressure of danger was not felt.
  7. distress Distress.

  8. She has felt pressure lately because her boss expects her to get the job done by the first.

  9. 1649, (w)

  10. My people's pressures are grievous.
    In the midst of his great troubles and pressures.
  11. urgency Urgency

  12. the pressure of business

  13. puhekieltä Impression; stamp; character impressed.

  14. All saws of books, all forms, all pressures past.
  15. puhekieltä The amount of force that is applied over a given area divided by the size of this area.

  16. puhekieltä To encourage or heavily exert force or influence.

  17. Do not let anyone pressure you into buying something you do not want.

  18. (inflection of)

  19. pressure (action or result of pressing)
