

  1. sääntö; ohjenuora, periaate


the legal precept of being innocent until proven guilty



dogmi, oppijärjestelmä, filosofia, suunta, koulukunta, ismi, doktriini, opinkappale, oppi, Kultainen sääntö, säännöt, käskyt, ohjenuora, mitzvah, sääntö, määräys, ohje, moraali, moraaliset periaatteet.

Englannin sanakirja

precept (englanti > suomi)

  1. sääntö, ohje, ohjenuora

precept englanniksi

  1. A rule or principle, especially one governing personal conduct.

  2. 2006: w:Anthony Daniels (psychiatrist)|Theodore Dalrymple, The Gift of Language

  3. *I need hardly point out that Pinker doesn't really believe anything of what he writes, at least if example is stronger evidence of belief than precept.

  4. 1891: (quote-book)

  5. *He found a people in the extreme of barbarism living in caves, feeding upon the bloody flesh of animals they killed in hunting; he taught them many things, so that by his example, and for generations after he left them by his precepts, they advanced to high civilization.

  6. puhekieltä A written command, especially a demand for payment.

  7. puhekieltä To teach by precepts.

  8. (rfquotek)

  9. (verbal noun of)

  10. (RQ:sga-gloss)

  11. (quote)
