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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

portly englanniksi

  1. Somewhat fat, pudgy, overweight. (defdate)

  2. 1824, w:Washington Irving|Washington Irving, Tales of a Traveller, Introduction:

  3. Indeed, the poor man has grown ten times as nervous as ever, since he has discovered, on such good authority, who the stout gentleman was. . . . He has anxiously endeavored to call up a recollection of what he saw of that portly personage; and has ever since kept a curious eye on all gentlemen of more than ordinary dimensions.
  4. 1913, w:P. G. Wodehouse|P. G. Wodehouse, The Little Nugget, ch. 14:

  5. His portly middle section, rising beyond like a small hill, heaved rhythmically.
  6. 2011 July 6, Nick Carbone, "http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2081550_2081554_2081578,00.html Top 10 Worst Fictional Camp Counselors," Time (retrieved 8 May 2014):

  7. In Heavyweights, Tony Perkis (Ben Stiller) is a fitness guru who installs himself as the über-buff leader of Camp Hope, with the goal of helping portly youngsters shed their saggy stomachs and thunder thighs.
  8. puhekieltä Having a dignified bearing; handsome, imposing. (defdate)

  9. 1590, (w), The Faerie Queene, III.2:

  10. Portly his person was, and much increast
    Through his Heroicke grace and honourable gest.
  11. 1728, w:Jonathan Swift|Jonathan Swift, "A Dialogue between Mad Mullinix and Timothy":

  12. Be studious well to imitate
    My portly motion, mien, and gait
