

  1. en-v-taivm|p|lead|ing



anova, hartaasti pyytävä, rukoileva, aneleva, vala-, itsepintainen, hellittämätön, kerjäläis-, anomus-, sitomaton.

Rimmaavat sanat

pleading rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

pleading englanniksi

  1. The act of making a plea.

  2. (w)

  3. But it pleased her to play on my passion / And whet me to pleadings / That won from her mirthful negations / And scornings undue.
  4. puhekieltä A document filed in a lawsuit, particularly a document initiating litigation or responding to the initiation of litigation.

  5. (present participle of)

  6. That pleads.

  7. 1955, (w), Ann Lindsay, Earth, p. 251:

  8. Franchise, relaxed and soothed by the vagueness of a surrender set so far in the future, simply took hold of his two hands to make him behave himself and looked at him with her pretty pleading eyes — the eyes of a sensitive woman who didn't want to risk having a child by anyone but her husband.
  9. 1999, (w), The Mandarins, p. 599:

  10. With a pleading look, she raised her eyes to him.
  11. 1993, (w), Psalms, p. 225:

  12. Have but a pleading heart and God will have a plenteous hand.
  13. (quote-magazine)
