

  1. filantropia

Liittyvät sanat: philanthropist



hyväntekeväisyys, hyväntekeväisyysavustus, filantropia, avustus, taloudellinen apu, raha-avustus, taloudellinen tuki.

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Englannin sanakirja

philanthropy (englanti > suomi)

  1. a, ihmisystävällisyys

  2. hyvä työ

  3. hyväntekeväisyysjärjestö

philanthropy englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä benevolent Benevolent altruism with the intention of increasing the well-being of humankind.

  2. (quote-book)

  3. (quote-book)|year=2008|page=4|isbn=978-0-253-35049-7|passage=Doing philanthropy involves acts as diverse as consoling or cavorting with a child who has cancer, taking tickets at an art exhibit, writing a check for a relief agency, investing in the endowment of a private liberal arts college, and raising the funds that make the endowment possible.

  4. puhekieltä charitable Charitable giving, charity.

  5. (ux)

  6. (quote-book)|year=2014|page=44|isbn=978-0-691-12836-8|passage=Turning large fortunes into public assets for the good of mankind was a huge project. But what gave philanthropy even more of a central place in modern American life was the simultaneous creation of a people's philanthropy—or mass philanthropy—that engaged the large American middle and working classes in their own welfare. Philanthropy would not be a democratic value if it remained the domain of the wealthy. Only when the rest of the population aligned its old welfare institutions and charitable habits to the systematic search for the common good would philanthropy become a national commitment.

  7. puhekieltä A philanthropic act.

  8. (quote-book)|year=2005|pages=64–65|isbn=978-0-292-70618-7|passage=French Taylor and Andy Patterson also performed other philanthropies for their respective communities. They bought school shoes for the children of poor families in the autumn, and they made small cash loans to neighbors that some never repaid. Such men often disguised their philanthropies in requests for assistance with monumental hog killings and syrup makings. Patterson would rise in his Vistula church to announce such occasions and ask for help, though in truth he had all the hands he needed in his own sons and daughters. After the hog slaughtering or syrup making, many neighbors went home with wagonloads of meat and molasses, two of the "three M's" (meat, molasses, and meal) that tided families over the winter.

  9. puhekieltä A charitable foundation.

  10. (quote-book) Walter Vrooman, a well-to-do Kansas liberal, and (w), undertook a philanthropy designed to build solidly on a British base. The scheme they worked out for a labor college at Oxford, Ruskin Hall, met with fairly cordial British response and in time played a role of some importance in the labor movement.

  11. (quote-book)|year=1991|pages=1–2|isbn=978-0-253-34290-4|passage=The French Jewish philanthropies were the first to introduce European agricultural technology into the Yishuv on a sizeable scale. French and Algerian methods of horti- and viticulture promoted a network of Jewish plantations based on luxury as well as field crops. Despite their technical successes, the philanthropies intentionally restricted their Palestinian activities; this limitation stemmed from the philanthropies’ goal of individual, not national, regeneration.
