

  1. (anatomia) polvilumpio



nilviäissuku, Patellidae, Patellidae-heimo, maljakotilot, Patella-suku, maljakotilo, Patella vulgata, polvilumpio, jänneluu, os sesamoideum.

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saatella, sadatella, johdatella, noudatella, haihatella, ajatella, kikatella, lallatella, rallatella, sulatella...

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Englannin sanakirja

patella englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä The sesamoid bone of the knee; the kneecap.

  2. 2004, Ann Seranne, The Joy of Breeding Your Own Show Dog, page 188,

  3. Subluxed patellas, more commonly referred to as slipped stifles, like all inherited factors will continue to cripple a breed as long as breeders continue to mate affected animals.
  4. 2005, Roger E. Stevenson, 20: Limbs, Roger E. Stevenson, Judith G. Hall, Human Malformations and Related Anomalies, page 920,

  5. Since patella diameter is a feature of continuous variation, the majority of small patellas represent simply the lower extreme of normal anatomic variation.
  6. 2006, Erik Trinkaus, 18: The Lower Limb Remains, Erik Trinkaus, Jiří Svoboda (editors), Early Modern Human Evolution in Central Europe, page 395,

  7. Both patellae are well preserved for Dolni Věstonice 3 and 13-15, and the left patella remains for Dolni Věstonice 16 (Figures 18.22 to 18.26).
  8. 2009, P. Tohomson, 14: Assessment of the paediatric patient, Ben Yates (editor), Merrimans Assessment of the Lower Limb'', page 401,

  9. The patellae may be up to 30° externally rotated at birth. In young children it is considered normal for the patellae to be externally rotated, but by 5 years of age the patellae should face forwards.
  10. puhekieltä patellaEnglish patella, kneecap, English rotula

  11. puhekieltä limpet

  12. a small or shallow pan or dish

  13. the kneecap, English patella

  14. a disease of the olive tree
