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pareve rimmaa näiden kanssa:

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Englannin sanakirja

pareve englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä Of food: that has no meat or milk in any form as an ingredient.

  2. (ux)

  3. (quote-journal)

  4. (quote-book)

  5. (quote-book)|year=1991|page=113|isbn=978-0-465-08632-0|passage=A food product containing neither meat nor milk, or derived from either is neutral. The Yiddish word parev (parve) or the Hebrew word stam is used to describe this third category. The neutral (parev) category includes (1) everything which grows from the soil: vegetables, fruits, nuts, coffee, spices, sugar, salt, (2) all kosher fish, (3) eggs, and (4) items manufactured from chemicals. Parev foods may be eaten or cooked with either dairy or meat products.

  6. (quote-book)|month=July|year=2002|page=205|isbn=978-0-87306-834-5|passage=After eating parve food cooked in a meat pot or cut with a meat knife, does one need to wait six hours to eat dairy? Parve food that was cooked in a meat pot but without any meat in the pot, such as fish cooked in a meat pot does not require a wait of six hours before dairy may be eaten. (..) Note that our discussion here applies only to dairy food eaten after parve food, not together with it.

  7. (quote-book)|year=2009|page=201|isbn=978-0-8138-2093-4|passage=From the marketing perspective, most manufacturers would prefer that products not inherently dairy (such as cheese snacks) enjoy a Pareve status. In many situations, however, considerations other than the status of ingredients may make it necessary to confer a Dairy (or Dairy Equipment) status to otherwise potentially Pareve products. Examples of such situations may include: / The equipment used to cook or heat the inherently Pareve items is also used to process dairy products. In such situations, the equipment may require a Kosherization from dairy to Pareve productions, a process which may prove impractical.

  8. (quote-book)|year=2011|isbn=978-0-7624-4188-4|passage=In true kosher cooking, meat and dairy should never be combined. Pareve margarine is made up of 100 percent vegetable oil. Dairy margarine has milk as one of the ingredients plus perhaps added vegetable oil. This is why when cooking a meat or dairy meal, if the recipe requires butter or margarine, I substitute it with pareve margarine.

  9. puhekieltä neutral Neutral, bland, inoffensive.

  10. (quote-book)|year=2001|page=281, footnote|isbn=978-0-609-80692-0|passage=Just as kosher is used as slang for "legitimate" or "a-okay", pareve has slang connotations, too. A pareve person is wishy-washy and vague; a pareve deed or decision is "neither fish nor fowl," of no great consequence, middle-of-the-roadish.|brackets=on

  11. (quote-book)|year=2008|page=291|isbn=978-1-934527-07-8|passage=By values we don't mean the personal preferences that made values clarification strategies of the seventies and eighties so pareve; we mean traditional Jewish virtues, middot or maalot''.
