

  1. pergamentti



nahka, vuota, pergamentti, paperi, pergamenttipaperi.

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parchment rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

parchment (englanti > suomi)

  1. pergamentti

parchment englanniksi

  1. Material, made from the polished skin of a calf, sheep, goat or other animal, used like paper for writing.

  2. (RQ:WBsnt IvryGt)

  3. At twilight in the summer there is never anybody to fear—man, woman, or cat—in the chambers and at that hour the mice come out. They do not eat parchment or foolscap or red tape, but they eat the luncheon crumbs.
  4. A document made on such material.

  5. A diploma (traditionally written on parchment).

  6. Stiff paper imitating that material.

  7. The creamy to tanned color of parchment.

  8. The envelope of the coffee grains, inside the pulp.
