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pahoehoe rimmaa näiden kanssa:

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

pahoehoe englanniksi

  1. A form of lava flow of basaltic rock, usually dark-colored with a smooth or ropey surface. It is one of two chief forms of lava flow emitted from volcanoes of the Hawaiian type, the other form being aa.

  2. 1859, R. C. Haskell, American journal of science and arts, series XXVIII:

  3. We ... saw ‘pahoihoi’ or solid lava forming, and also ‘aa’ or clinkers.
  4. 2004, (w), The Earth, Folio Society 2011, p. 44:

  5. The twisty, ropy kind that personifies flow – all congealed motion – is called pahoehoe.
  6. puhekieltä (l) (gloss)
