

  1. fi-v-taivm1|67|o||llut|-


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Englannin sanakirja

ollut englanniksi

  1. (fi-verb form of)

  2. (Minä) en / Hän ei ollut siellä.

    I was / S/he was not there.

    (Sinä) et ollut siellä.

    You were not there. (addressing one person)

    (Te) ette ollut siellä.

    You were not there. (addressing formally or politely one person)

  3. taivutettu muoto

  4. (Minä) olen / Hän on ollut siellä.

    I have / S/he has been there.

    (Sinä) olet ollut siellä.

    You have been there. (addressing one person)

    (Te) olette ollut siellä.

    You have been there. (addressing formally or politely one person)

    (Minä) olin / Hän oli ollut siellä.

    I have / S/he had been there.

    (Sinä) olit ollut siellä.

    You had been there. (addressing one person)

    (Te) olitte ollut siellä.

    You had been there. (addressing formally or politely one person)

  5. As an attribute indicates past, ended action; in English the same idea is expressed with a different kind of structure.

  6. Vintillä ollut mies poltti savukkeen.

    The man who was in the attic smoked a cigarette.

  7. (inflection of)
