

  1. okei

Liittyvät sanat: okei.


  1. okei: selvä on!

  2. okeido: selvä on!


Rimmaavat sanat

oke rimmaa näiden kanssa:

jaoke, karaoke, partavaahdoke, kiihoke, hioke, puuhioke, pujoke, aloke, hilloke, kiilloke...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

oke englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä A Turkish, Egyptian, Hungarian and Wallachian unit of weight, equal to about 2 & 3/4 lbs.

  2. puhekieltä man Man; guy; bloke.

  3. 1998, Leon Schuster, Leon Schusters Lekker, Thick South African Joke Book'', page 106:

  4. An oke meets up with his ex-wife at a party. After a few dops, he puts his arm around her and suggests they go to bed. 'Over my dead body,' she snarls at him. He downs his drink and says, 'I see you haven't changed.'
  5. 2005, Al Lovejoy, Acid Alex:

  6. I had initiated an African ritual by giving the pipe to him. And you can never stay befuck with an oke you smoke nchangu with.
  7. eighthly

  8. (ja-romanization of)
