


kudos, kangas, materiaali, tekstiili, kude, vaate, vahakangas.

Englannin sanakirja

oilcloth (englanti > suomi)

  1. vahakangas

oilcloth englanniksi

  1. A fabric or cloth treated on one side with a waterproof covering, especially one made from linseed oil etc.; used for flooring, tablecloths, kitchen shelves and sometimes furniture covering.

  2. 1969 — Ignatius pounded a paw into the oilcloth on the kitchen table. — w:John Kennedy Toole|John Kennedy Toole, A Confederacy of Dunces, Chapter 9, Page 224

  3. 1995: When the Lincolns moved into the White House, it was not furnished, there was oilcloth on the floor in the State Rooms because of the overflow from the spittoons. - w:Barbara Bush|Barbara Bush, Barbara Bush: A Memoir, p.346.

  4. cloth treated with oil or paint, and used for marking garments, covering floors, etc. - Webster, 1913
