

  1. pakkomielteinen

Liittyvät sanat: obsessiveness



neuroottinen, psykoneuroottinen, pakkomielteenomainen, pinttynyt, pakkomielteinen, pakkomielteinen henkilö, neurootikko, psykoneurootikko, mielisairas.

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Englannin sanakirja

obsessive (englanti > suomi)

  1. pakkomielteinen

obsessive englanniksi

  1. Prone to cause obsession

  2. The idea is too tempting, its obsessive

  3. Having one thought or pursuing one activity to the absolute or nearly absolute exclusion of all others.

  4. Hardcore fans obsessive behavior may take over their lives

  5. excessive Excessive, as results from obsession.

  6. A workaholics obsessive zeal may lead to success or burnout

  7. (quote-journal) (Sport)|date=21 October 2014|passage=Yes, there were instances of grandstanding and obsessive behaviour, but many were concealed at the time to help protect an aggressively peddled narrative of w:Oscar Pistorius|Oscar Pistorius the paragon, the emblem, the trailblazer.

  8. A person who is obsessed, who has an obsession

  9. (inflection of)
