

  1. sukupuoleton, suvuton

  2. kielitiede|k=en neutrisukuinen



sukupuoleton, epäseksuaalinen, suvuton, suku, kieliopillinen suku, neutri, kuohita, kastroida, salvaa, leikata, poistaa munasarjat, steriloida, tehdä sukupuolettomaksi, riistää sukupuolettomaksi.

Rimmaavat sanat

neuter rimmaa näiden kanssa:

tonic water, copywriter, bitter, babysitter...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

neuter (englanti > suomi)

  1. neutrinen, neutrisukuinen

  2. sukupuoleton

  3. neutri

  4. puolueeton taho

  5. kuohita, kuohia, kastroida, leikata, steriloida

neuter englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä Neither the one thing nor the other; on neither side; impartial; neutral.

  2. (rfdat) South:

  3. In all our undertakings God will be either our friend or our enemy; for Providence never stands neuter.
  4. puhekieltä Having a form which is not masculine nor feminine; or having a form which is not of common gender

  5. a neuter noun; the neuter definite article; a neuter termination; the neuter gender

  6. puhekieltä intransitive Intransitive

  7. a neuter verb

  8. puhekieltä sexless Sexless: having no or imperfectly developed sex organs.

  9. puhekieltä An organism, either vegetable or animal, which at its maturity has no generative organs, or but imperfectly developed ones, as a plant without stamens or pistils, as the garden Hydrangea; especially, one of the imperfectly developed females of certain social insects, as of the ant and the common honeybee, which perform the labors of the community, and are called workers.

  10. A person who takes no part in a contest; someone remaining neutral.

  11. (RQ:RBrtn AntmyMlncl), I.2.4.iv:

  12. Friends, neuters, enemies, all are as one, to make a fool a madman is their sport .
  13. puhekieltä The neuter gender.

  14. puhekieltä A noun of the neuter gender; any one of those words which have the terminations usually found in neuter words.

  15. puhekieltä An intransitive verb or state-of-being verb.

  16. 1820, M. Santagnello, A Dictionary of the Peculiarities of the Italian Language, G. and W. B. Whittaker, page 185:

  17. Make one do, or act (to), fare fare, fare agire, with an accusative when the verb is a neuter, and with a dative when otherwise.
  18. 1847, (w), Essay the First; On the Kocch, Bódo and Dhimál Tribes, in Three Parts, J. Thomas, page 119:

  19. Compound verbs other than those already spoken of whereby neuters are made active, are very rare, as I have already hinted under the head of nouns.
  20. 1971, Harry Hoijer, “Athapaskan Morphology”, in Jesse O. Sawyer (editor), Studies in American Indian Languages, University of California Press (1973), ISBN 978-0-520-02525-7, page 130:

  21. In all the Apachean languages, verbs are divided into two major categories, neuters and actives, each of which may be further divided into intransitives, transitives, and passives.
  22. To remove sex organs from an animal to prevent it from having offspring; to castrate or spay, particularly as applied to domestic animals.

  23. To rid of sexuality

  24. {{quote-journal

  25. (l), neither

  26. puhekieltä (l) (gender)

  27. puhekieltä (l), intransitive (gloss)
