

  1. nokkonen



nokkonen, Urtica dioica, Urtica pipulifera, Laportea canadensis, Pilea pumilla, rikkakasvi, rikkaruoho.

Rimmaavat sanat

nettle rimmaa näiden kanssa:

ale, ginger ale, chippendale, kale, riekale, roikale, suikale, kekkale, vonkale, huiskale...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

nettle (englanti > suomi)

  1. nokkonen

  2. polttaa

  3. piikitellä

nettle englanniksi

  1. Any plant, the foliage of which is covered with stinging, mildly poisonous hairs, causing an instant rash.

  2. Especially, most species of herb genus Urtica, the stinging nettles:

  3. Most, but not all, subspecies of Urtica dioica,

  4. (taxlink);

  5. wood nettle|Wood nettle ((taxlink));

  6. (vern)s and (vern)s of genus (taxlink):

  7. (taxlink), (vern), (vern),

  8. (taxlink), (vern),

  9. (vern) or (vern)s:

  10. Various species of the genus (taxlink),

  11. (taxlink),

  12. (vern) ((taxlink));

  13. (vern) ((taxlink)).

  14. Certain plants that have spines or prickles:

  15. (taxlink), (vern), (vern), (vern);

  16. (taxlink), (vern), (vern);

  17. (taxlink), (vern);

  18. Celtis.

  19. Certain non-stinging plants, mostly in the family Lamiaceae, that resemble the species of Urtica:

  20. (vern), (vern) (Lamium), particularly (taxlink), (vern);

  21. (vern) ((taxlink), family Urticaceae);

  22. (vern) or (vern) (Coleus);

  23. (vern) (Stachys);

  24. (vern) (taxlink),

  25. (vern), (vern) ((taxlink), family Urticaceae).

  26. Loosely, anything which causes a similarly stinging rash, such as a jellyfish or sea nettle.

  27. puhekieltä Of the nettle plant and similar physical causes, to sting causing a rash in someone.

  28. The children were badly nettled after playing in the field.

  29. puhekieltä To pique, irritate, vex or provoke someone.

  30. 1985, United States. Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: Peoples Republic of China'' (issues 180-189, page 42)

  31. Liu, whose political writings had nettled the Taiwanese authorities, was assassinated on October 15, last year, in Daly City (..)
