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Englannin sanakirja

nerdcore englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä An intentionally nerdy style of hip-hop music.

  2. {{quote-journal|date=August 5, 2007|author=Alex Williams|title=Dungeons, Dragons and Dope Beats|work=New York Times|url=

  3. 2008, GameAxis Unwired‎ magazine (July 2008)

  4. A nerdcore track would take loop samples not from popular industrial tracks, but from the synthesizers of a popular NES game like Dig Dug
  5. 2008, Benjamin Nugent, American Nerd: The Story of My People‎

  6. Self-styled “nerdcore” rappers wear pocket protectors and rhyme about hard drives.
  7. puhekieltä The most dedicated nerds, especially in terms of computer ability.

  8. 2007, HWM magazine (December 2007)

  9. We're tech reviewers, not nerdcore programmers…
  10. {{quote-journal|date=March 28, 2009|author=Darren Zenko|title=Exploring the Wii’s retro charms|work=Toronto Star|url= Review/article/608996

  11. 2008, Windows Vista‎ magazine (Winter 2008)

  12. But it takes the right kind of noodle to make a great gaming rig worthy of the “nerdcore elite” (and we mean that in a good way) without spending a fortune.
