

  1. yhteys|biologia|k=en mutaatio

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muutos, mutaatio, geneettinen mutaatio, kromosomimutaatio, geenimutaatio, kromosomikato, inversio.

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Englannin sanakirja

mutation (englanti > suomi)

  1. muutos

  2. mutaatio, geenimuutos

  3. mutaatio

  4. parvi

mutation englanniksi

  1. Any alteration or change.

  2. puhekieltä Any heritable change of the base-pair sequence of genetic material.

  3. {{quote-magazine|year=2013|month=May-June|author= David Van Tassel, Lee DeHaan

  4. A mutant.

  5. puhekieltä An alteration a particular sound of a word, especially the initial consonant, which is triggered by the word's morphological or syntactic context and not by its phonological context.

  6. puhekieltä A (m) for a collection of thrushes.

  7. 1984, Virginia Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries, Virginia Wildlife, volume 45:

  8. Birdwatchers would enjoy a host of sparrows, a herd of swans, a descent of woodpeckers, a herd of wrens, and mutation of thrushes.
  9. 2010, Doug Bennet, Tim Tiner, The Complete Up North: A Guide to Ontarios Wilderness from Black Flies to the Northern Lights'', page 57:

  10. Names for a group: A flute or mutation of thrushes.
  11. 2013, Jason Sacher, A Compendium of Collective Nouns: From an Armory of Aardvarks to a Zeal of Zebras, page 196:

  12. A Mutation of Thrushes
    The authors of the books of venery were not predicting Darwin with this term, but taking a cue from a common fable of the time.
  13. substitution

  14. (l)

  15. change, alteration, (l)
