

  1. sureminen


day of mourning – surupäivä



surullinen, sureva, menettänyt, murheellinen, aktiviteetti, toiminta, surunvalittelu, suru, ilmaisu, merkki, osoitus, surullisuus, suruaika, kuolleen omaisen sureminen, menetys.

Rimmaavat sanat

mourning rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

mourning (englanti > suomi)

  1. suru, sureminen

  2. suru

  3. suruasu

mourning englanniksi

  1. (present participle of)

  2. The act of expressing or feeling sorrow or regret; lamentation.

  3. Feeling or expressing sorrow over someone's death.

  4. 1900, (w), (w), Chapter 23

  5. "My greatest wish now," she added, "is to get back to Kansas, for Aunt Em will surely think something dreadful has happened to me, and that will make her put on mourning; and unless the crops are better this year than they were last, I am sure Uncle Henry cannot afford it."
  6. (quote-book)|title=(w)|chapter=1

  7. {{quote-journal|date=December 19, 2011|author=Kerry Brown|work=The Guardian

  8. The traditional clothes worn by those who mourn (in Western societies, typically coloured black).

  9. 1992, Hilary Mantel, A Place of Greater Safety, Harper Perennial 2007, p. 88:

  10. ‘I'm bored. I can't go out anywhere because it's too soon and I have to wear this disgusting mourning.’
  11. Drapes or coverings associated with mourning.

  12. (w) (1631-1700)

  13. The houses to their tops with black were spread, / And ev'n the pavements were with mourning hid.
