

  1. vuori; korkea kukkula, nousu jolle on kapuamista

  2. ratsu, hevonen (jonka selkään noustaan)

  3. ratsuväensotilas

  4. kiinnityspiste, tuki


'Mount' Everest

This was quite a 'mount'...

The rider climbed onto his 'mount'.



hevonen, Equus caballus, ratsuhevonen, ratsu, uusi ratsu, sotahevonen, vauhko hevonen.


Rimmaavat sanat

mount rimmaa näiden kanssa:

croissant, management, understatement, establishment, vol-au-vent...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

mount (englanti > suomi)

  1. ratsu

  2. tuki

  3. kiivetä, nousta

  4. kiinnittää

  5. liittää

  6. järjestää

mount englanniksi

  1. A mountain.

  2. puhekieltä Any of seven fleshy prominences in the palm of the hand, taken to represent the influences of various heavenly body|heavenly bodies.

  3. the mount of Jupiter

  4. puhekieltä A bulwark for offence or defence; a mound.

  5. Bible, Jer. vi. 6

  6. Hew ye down trees, and cast a mount against Jerusalem.
  7. puhekieltä A bank; a fund.

  8. An animal, usually a horse, used to ride on, unlike a draught horse

  9. The rider climbed onto his mount.

  10. A mounting; an object on which another object is mounted.

  11. The post is the mount on which the mailbox is installed.

  12. puhekieltä A rider in a cavalry unit or division.

  13. The General said he has 2,000 mounts.

  14. puhekieltä To move upwards.

  15. puhekieltä To get upon; to ascend; to climb.

  16. (ux)

  17. (w) (1631-1700)

  18. Or shall we mount again the Rural Throne, / And rule the Country Kingdoms, once our own?
  19. puhekieltä To place oneself on (a horse, a bicycle, etc.); to bestride.

  20. puhekieltä To cause to mount; to put on horseback; to furnish with animals for riding.

  21. to mount the Trojan troop
  22. puhekieltä To cause (something) to rise or ascend; to drive up; to raise; to elevate; to lift up.

  23. (w) (1564-1616)

  24. What power is it which mounts my love so high?
  25. puhekieltä To rise on high; to go up; to be upraised or uplifted; to tower aloft; to ascend; often with up.

  26. Bible, (w) li. 53

  27. Though Babylon should mount up to heaven.
  28. (w) (1743-1809)

  29. The fire of trees and houses mounts on high.
  30. puhekieltä To attach (an object) to a support.

  31. (RQ:RJfrs AmtrPqr)

  32. But then I had the massive flintlock by me for protection. ¶(..)The linen-press and a chest on the top of it formed, however, a very good gun-carriage; and, thus mounted, aim could be taken out of the window at the old mare feeding in the meadow below by the brook, and a 'bead' could be drawn upon Molly, the dairymaid, kissing the fogger behind the hedge,(nb..).
  33. (RQ:Frgsn Zlnstn)

  34. “My Continental prominence is improving,” I commented dryly. ¶ Von Lindowe cut at a furze bush with his silver-mounted rattan. ¶ “Quite so,” he said as dryly, his hand at his mustache. “I may say if your intentions were known your life would not be worth a curse.”
  35. puhekieltä To attach (a drive or device) to the file system in order to make it available to the operating system.

  36. puhekieltä To increase in quantity or intensity.

  37. puhekieltä To attain in value; to amount (to).

  38. (w) (1688-1744)

  39. Bring then these blessings to a strict account, / Make fair deductions, see to what they mount.
  40. puhekieltä To get on top of (an animal) to mate.

  41. puhekieltä To have sexual intercourse with someone.

  42. puhekieltä To begin (a military assault, etc.); to launch.

  43. {{quote-journal|date=May 5, 2012|author=Phil McNulty|work=BBC Sport

  44. puhekieltä To deploy (cannon) for use in or around it.

  45. puhekieltä To prepare and arrange the scenery, furniture, etc. for use in (a play or production).
