

  1. (enimmäkseen brittienglantia) kiistanalainen

Liittyvät sanat: mutter



kiistanalainen, kiistelty, ratkaisematon, riidanalainen, asiaankuulumaton.

Liittyvät sanat: moottori, moottoriajoneuvo, moottoriajoneuvoliikenne, moottorialus, moottorijarrutus, moottorikatu.


  1. mopolla, jollai: moottoripolkupyörällä : kerjätä, pyytää

  2. lulla: moottoripyörän sivuvaunu

  3. modari / motskari: moottoripyörä : Onks sun modaris skulannu hyvin?

  4. mopo: moottoripolkupyörä : Mopoo sanotaa nykysin kevariks.

  5. motskari: moottori (pyörä)

  6. motskari: moottoripyörä / -vene

  7. motti: moottori : Motti oli ihan tulikuuma.

  8. muijantappaja / akantappaja: moottoripyörän sivuvaunu : Saaks ton muijantappajan irrotettuu tosta?

  9. mylly: moottori

  10. pikasliippari: moottorivene (pieni)

  11. prätkä: moottoripyörä : Makee prätkä sulla, paljo toi kulkee?

  12. pärrä / pärä: moottoripyörä

  13. pärtsäilee: moottripyöräillä

  14. pärtsäri: moottoripyöräilijä

  15. surinasussu: moottoripyöräilystä kiinnostunut tyttö

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

moot (englanti > suomi)

  1. kiistanalainen

  2. epärelevantti, asian vierestä

  3. tuoda keskusteluun

moot englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä Subject to discussion (originally at a Noun moot); arguable, debatable, unsolved or impossible to solve.

  2. 1770, (w), The w:HMS Bark Endeavour|Endeavour Journal of Sir Joseph Banks, s:The Endeavour Journal of Sir Joseph Banks/January 1770|January 4, 1770 (published 1962):

  3. (..):indeed we were obligd to hawl off rather in a hurry for the wind freshning a little we found ourselves in a bay which it was a moot point whether or not we could get out of:(..)
  4. 1851, (w), w:Moby-Dick Moby-Dick, S:Moby-Dick/Chapter 32|Chapter 32:

  5. The uncertain, unsettled condition of this science of Cetology is in the very vestibule attested by the fact, that in some quarters it still remains a moot point whether a whale be a fish.
  6. 2002, (w), The Great Nation, Penguin 2003, p. 477:

  7. The extent to which these Parisian radicals ‘represented’ the French people as a whole was very moot.
  8. puhekieltä Being an exercise of thought; academic.

  9. Walter Crane and Lewis F. Day (1903) Moot Points: Friendly Disputes on Art and Industry Between Walter Crane and Lewis F. Day

  10. puhekieltä Having no practical impact or relevance.

  11. That point may make for a good discussion, but it is moot.

  12. 2007, Paul Mankowski, " The Languages of Biblical Translation", Adoremus Bulletin, Vol. 13, No. 4,

  13. The question whether certain poetry was present in the original Hebrew Psalms in our own time is moot, since various considerations have made it certain that, of all the hazards presented by biblical translation, a dangerous excess of beauty is not one of them.
  14. A moot court.

  15. Sir T. Elyot

  16. The pleading used in courts and chancery called moots.
  17. A system of arbitration in many areas of Africa in which the primary goal is to settle a dispute and reintegrate adversaries into society rather than assess penalties.

  18. puhekieltä A gathering of Rovers, usually in the form of a camp lasting 2 weeks.

  19. puhekieltä A social gathering of pagans, normally held in a public house.

  20. puhekieltä An assembly (usually for decision making in a locality). (defdate)

  21. puhekieltä A ring for gauge gauging wooden pins.

  22. To bring up as a subject for debate, to propose.

  23. To discuss or debate.

  24. Sir W. Hamilton

  25. a problem which hardly has been mentioned, much less mooted, in this country
    First a case is appointed to be mooted by certain young men, containing some doubtful controversy.
  26. {{quote-web

  27. puhekieltä To make or declare irrelevant.

  28. To argue or plead in a supposed case.

  29. Ben Jonson

  30. There is a difference between mooting and pleading; between fencing and fighting.
  31. puhekieltä To talk or speak.

  32. (ux)

    (ux) (The Chester Mystery Plays, c. late 15th century)

    (ux) (The Towneley Mystery Plays, c. 15th century)

  33. puhekieltä To say, utter, also insinuate.

  34. (ux).

  35. puhekieltä A whisper, or an insinuation, also gossip or rumors.

  36. puhekieltä talk Talk.

  37. puhekieltä vagina Vagina.

  38. A thick slice (usually) of fish.
