

  1. pieni, vähäpätöinen

  2. alaikäinen

  3. yhteys|musiikki|k=en pieni


That is of 'minor' importance.

:Tuo on tärkeydeltään 'vähäpätöistä'.

Theres a 'minor' chance for him succeeding.

:Hänen onnistumisensa mahdollisuus on 'pieni'.

~ third pieni terssi

Liittyvät sanat: underage



mitätön, suppea, pieni, pikku, vähäinen, vähäpätöinen, vaatimaton, pien-, pienimuotoinen, taskukokoinen, anteeksiannettava.

Rimmaavat sanat

minor rimmaa näiden kanssa:

helibor, tšador, senior, junior, art director, primus motor, nestor, tutor...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

minor (englanti > suomi)

  1. vähäinen, vähämerkityksinen

  2. molli

  3. alaikäinen

  4. sivuaine subject, sivuaineopiskelija student

  5. suorittaa sivuaine

minor englanniksi

  1. Of little significance or importance.

  2. The physical appearance of a candidate is a minor factor in recruitment.

  3. (RQ:Schuster Hepaticae V)

  4. There is now such an immense "microliterature" on hepatics that, beyond a certain point I have given up trying to integrate (and evaluate) every minor paper published—especially narrowly floristic papers.
  5. puhekieltä Of a scale which has lowered scale degrees three, six, and seven relative to major, but with the sixth and seventh not always lowered

  6. a minor scale.

  7. puhekieltä being the smaller of the two intervals denoted by the same ordinal number

  8. A person who is below the legal age of majority, consent, criminal responsibility or other adult responsibilities and accountabilities.

  9. It is illegal to sell weapons to minors under the age of eighteen.

  10. A subject area of secondary concentration of a student at a college or university, or the student who has chosen such a secondary concentration.

  11. I had so many credit hours of English, it became my minor.

  12. I became an English minor.

  13. puhekieltä determinant of a square submatrix

  14. puhekieltä A younger brother (especially at a public school).

  15. puhekieltä A small worker in a leaf-cutter ant colony, sized between a minim and a media.

  16. To choose or have an area of secondary concentration as a student in a college or university.

  17. I had so many credit hours of English, I decided to minor in it.

  18. ((comparative of)) smaller

  19. the smallest

  20. (apocopic form of)

  21. comparative of (l); lesser, inferior, smaller

  22. subordinate

  23. puhekieltä descendants

  24. I jut forth, protrude, project

  25. puhekieltä I threaten, menace someone with something

  26. (sv-noun-form-indef-pl)
