

  1. tori; markkinat

  2. yhteys|liiketalous|k=en markkina; markkinat; markkina-alue

  3. yhteys|AmE|k=en supermarket, ruokakauppa


I prefer to buy vegetables at the market. – Ostan vihannekset mieluummin torilta.

a typical English market town – tyypillinen englantilainen markkinakaupunki

on the Finnish market – Suomen markkinoilla

the coffee market, the equity market



aktiviteetti, toiminta, markkinat, laittomat markkinat, musta pörssi, ostajan markkinat, harmaat markkinat.

Rimmaavat sanat

market rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

market (englanti > suomi)

  1. tori, kauppatori

market englanniksi

  1. city City square or other fairly spacious site where traders set up stalls and buyers browse the merchandise.

  2. (quote-book)|title=(w)

  3. {{quote-magazine|date=2013-07-26|author= Nick Miroff

  4. An organised, often periodic, trading event at such site.

  5. (ux)

  6. Definition used by famous economist of the Austrian school, Ludwig Von Mises, in his book Human Action.

  7. The market is a process, actuated by the interplay of the actions of the various individuals cooperating under the division of labor.
  8. flea market|Flea market

  9. A group of potential customers for one's product.

  10. (w) (1608-1674)

  11. There is a third thing to be considered: how a market can be created for produce, or how production can be limited to the capacities of the market.
  12. A geographical area where a certain commercial demand exists.

  13. A formally organized, sometimes monopolistic, system of trading in specified goods or effects.

  14. (quote-magazine)

  15. The sum total traded in a process of individuals trading for certain commodities.

  16. puhekieltä The price for which a thing is sold in a market; hence, value; worth.

  17. (w) (1564-1616)

  18. What is a man / If his chief good and market of his time / Be but to sleep and feed?
