

  1. lanta, tade

Liittyvät sanat: fertilize



elollinen lannoite, eloperäinen lannoite, orgaaninen lannoite, lannoite, lanta, sonta, kananlanta, lehmänlanta, viherkasvusto, viherlannoituskasvusto, hevoslanta.

Rimmaavat sanat

manure rimmaa näiden kanssa:

force majeure, kure, houre, kuumehoure, suure, vakiosuure, satunnaissuure...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

manure (englanti > suomi)

  1. levittää lanta|alt=lantaa

  2. lanta, sonta

manure englanniksi

  1. To cultivate by manual labor; to till; hence, to develop by culture.

  2. Surrey

  3. to whom we gave the strand for to manure
  4. John Donne

  5. Manure thyself then; to thyself be improved; / And with vain, outward things be no more moved.
  6. To apply manure (as fertilizer or soil improver).

  7. The farmer manured his fallow field.

  8. Shakespeare

  9. The blood of English shall manure the ground.
  10. Animal excrement, especially that of common domestic farm animals and when used as fertilizer. Generally speaking, from cows, horses, sheep, pigs and chickens.

  11. (quote-journal) (Gardening)|date=21 April 2014|page=G7|passage=The very wet winter will have washed much of the goodness out of the soil. Homemade compost and the load of manure we get from a friendly farmer may not be enough to compensate for what has leached from the ground.

  12. Any fertilizing substance, whether of animal origin or not.

  13. Sir Humphry Davy

  14. Malt dust consists chiefly of the infant radicle separated from the grain. I have never made any experiment upon this manure; but there is great reason to suppose it must contain saccharine matter; and this will account for its powerful effects.
