

  1. mankeli



kuivuri, kuivausrumpu, mankeli, silpoa, turmella, pahoinpidellä, vahingoittaa, vaurioittaa, runnella, ruhjoa, murjoa, runnoa, tärvellä, pilata, vääristellä, vääristää, raadella, vahingoittaa pahasti, turmella ulkonäkö, rumentaa.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

mangle (englanti > suomi)

  1. ruhjoa, runnoa, murjoa

  2. mankeloida

  3. mankeli

mangle englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä To change, mutilate or disfigure by cutting, tearing, rearranging etc.

  2. (rfdate) (w)

  3. mangled with ghastly wounds through plate and mail
    when they are disposed to mangle a play or novel
  4. puhekieltä To wring laundry.

  5. puhekieltä To modify (an identifier from source code) so as to produce a unique identifier for internal use by the compiler, etc.

  6. A hand-operated device with rollers, for wringing laundry.

  7. The mangle attached to wringer washing machines, often called the wringer.

  8. 1993, John Banville, Ghosts

  9. There was a bright-red plastic baby-bath, a car tyre, a rusty mangle, and something that looked like a primitive version of a washing machine.
  10. mangrove (tree)

  11. mangrove

  12. lack

  13. want

  14. need

  15. be missing

  16. be lacking

  17. be absent

  18. (de-verb form of)

  19. to lack (something)
