

  1. enemmistö

  2. (AmE) (politiikka) enemmistö, yli 50 %

  3. yhteys|shakki|k=en enemmistö


the vast majority

Liittyvät sanat: minority



suuri, lukumäärä, luku, määrä, suurin osa, valtaosa, suhteellinen määrä, enemmistö, yksinkertainen enemmistö.

Rimmaavat sanat

majority rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

majority (englanti > suomi)

  1. enemmistö

  2. täysi-ikäisyys

majority englanniksi

  1. More than half (50%) of some group

  2. The majority agreed that the new proposal was the best.

    Those opposing the building plans were in the majority, so the building project was canceled.

  3. {{quote-book|year=1920|title=S:Democratic Achievement|Democratic Achievement|author=Champ Clark

  4. The difference between the winning vote and the rest of the votes

  5. The winner with 53% had a 6% majority over the loser with 47%.

  6. puhekieltä Legal adulthood

  7. By the time I reached my majority, I had already been around the world twice.

  8. puhekieltä The office held by a member of the armed forces in the rank of major

  9. On receiving the news of his promotion, Charles Snodgrass said he was delighted to be entering his majority.

  10. Ancestors; ancestry.
