

  1. muodollinen lounas

Liittyvät sanat: lunch



ateria, lounas, virallinen lounas, liikelounas.

Rimmaavat sanat

luncheon rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

luncheon (englanti > suomi)

  1. lounastilaisuus

luncheon englanniksi

  1. A formal meal served in the middle of the day.

  2. (quote-book)|title=(w)

  3. A formal term for lunch.

  4. puhekieltä A lump of food.

  5. puhekieltä A portion of food taken at any time except at a regular meal; an informal or light repast.

  6. (RQ:WBsnt IvryGt)

  7. At twilight in the summer there is never anybody to fear—man, woman, or cat—in the chambers and at that hour the mice come out. They do not eat parchment or foolscap or red tape, but they eat the luncheon crumbs.
  8. puhekieltä To eat luncheon.

  9. Benjamin Disraeli

  10. In the meantime, while ladies are luncheoning on chicken pie, or coursing in whirling britskas, performing all the singular ceremonies of a London morning in the heart of the season(..)
