

  1. lootus



kaksisirkkaisten suku, lummekasvi, lumpeet, lumpeiden suku, lootus, valkoinen lootus, egyptiläinen valkoinen lootus, valkolumme, Nymphaea lotus, intianlootus, pyhä lootus, Nelumbo nucifera, hernekasvit, Papilionoideae-alaheimo, Maitteet, Lotus-suku.

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Englannin sanakirja

lotus (englanti > suomi)

  1. lootus

  2. maite

lotus englanniksi

  1. A kind of aquatic plant, genus Nelumbo in the family Nelumbonaceae.

  2. A water lily, genus Nymphaea, especially those of Egypt or India.

  3. A legendary plant eaten by the Lotophagi of the Odyssey that caused drowsiness and euphoria.

  4. A number of other plants bearing "lotus" in their scientific or common names (see Derived terms|Derived terms below).

  5. Diospyros lotus, date plum or (vern).

  6. Lotus, a genus that includes (vern)s and (vern)es, a terrestrial genus with small flowers

  7. (taxlink), a shrub species with edible fruit

  8. An architectural motif of ancient Egyptian temples.

  9. (l)

  10. washed, bathed, having been washed

  11. elegant, luxurious

  12. fashionable, refined

  13. a washing, bathing

  14. The (vern), (taxlink)

  15. The date plum, Diospyros lotus

  16. The mythical lotus tree, possibly (taxlink)

  17. English lotus
