

  1. puhelias



vuolassanainen, jaaritteleva, pälättävä, turiseva, puheripulinen, puhelias, lörpöttelevä.

Rimmaavat sanat

loquacious rimmaa näiden kanssa:

lesbous, couscous, lahous, mahous, holhous, nuohous, verhous, lautaverhous, tiiliverhous, ulkoverhous...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

loquacious englanniksi

  1. talkative Talkative or chatty, especially of persons given to excess conversation.

  2. 1841, w:James Fenimore Cooper|James Fenimore Cooper, s:The Deerslayer|The Deerslayer, ch. 8:

  3. On the other hand, Hetty was moody and silent. She was never loquacious, or if she occasionally became communicative, it was under the influence of some temporary excitement that served to arouse her unsophisticated mind; but, for hours at a time, in the course of this all-important day, she seemed to have absolutely lost the use of her tongue.
