

  1. juotikas, iilimato

  2. kuva verenimijä



nivelmadot, nivelmato, juotikkaat, Hirudinea-luokka, iilimato, juotikas, verenimijä, verijuotikas, Hirudo medicinalis, hevosjuotikas, kannattaja, seuraaja, loinen, parasiitti, siipeilijä, siivelläeläjä.

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Englannin sanakirja

leech (englanti > suomi)

  1. juotikas, iilimato

  2. verenimijä

  3. kupata

leech englanniksi

  1. An aquatic blood-sucking annelid of class Hirudinea, especially (taxlink).

  2. 2003, William W. Johnstone, The Last Of The Dog Team, page 195

  3. The leech on his leg had swelled to more than five inches long, puffed and swollen on his blood.
  4. A person who derives profit from others in a parasitic fashion.

  5. 2000, Ray Garmon, The Man Who Just Didnt Care'', page 20

  6. 'Wrecked his body and his mind, no use to hisself or his family or nobody, just a leech on society'.
  7. 2006, D. L. Harman, A State of Nine One One, page 106

  8. At this point, I felt this man was a leech. I suspected that he had spent a lifetime living off the good will of women that he met.
  9. puhekieltä A glass tube designed for drawing blood from damaged tissue by means of a vacuum.

  10. puhekieltä To apply a leech medicinally, so that it sucks blood from the patient.

  11. 2003, George R.R. Martin, A Storm of Swords

  12. The poppy made him sleep and while he slept they leeched him to drain off the bad blood.
  13. puhekieltä To drain (resources) without giving back.

  14. Bert leeched hundreds of files from the BBS, but never uploaded anything in return.

  15. 1992, AfricAsia 2 (1): 12

  16. Guinea is also blocking Strasser's efforts to stop illegal fishing in Sierra Leone's territorial waters and the smuggling of gold and diamonds, which leech hundreds of millions of dollars from the country's economy.
