

  1. sukulais-; samankaltainen


kindred spirit



sukua oleva, sukua, sukulais-, sukulaiset, samanlainen, heimolainen, sukulainen, sosiaaliryhmä, suku, perhe, perhekunta, klaani, heimo.

Rimmaavat sanat

kindred rimmaa näiden kanssa:

tweed, lied, LED...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

kindred englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä Distant and close relatives, collectively; kin. (rfe)

  2. puhekieltä People of the same ethnic descent, not including speaker; brethren. (rfe)

  3. puhekieltä A grouping of relatives.

  4. Shakespeare

  5. I think there's no man is secure / But the queen's kindred.
  6. A combination of extended family and religious group, of the w:Ásatrú Ásatrú religious order in America.

  7. Of the same nature.

  8. 1924, w:Aristotle Aristotle, Metaphysics, translated by W. D. Ross, Nashotah, Wisconsin, USA: The Classical Library, 2001, book 1, part 1.

  9. We have said in the Ethics what the difference is between art and science and the other kindred faculties;
