


Jotun, Jotunn.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

jotun (englanti > suomi)

  1. jotuni

jotun englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä A member of a race of giants who usually stand in opposition to the Æsir and especially to Thor.

  2. (quote-book), 64, w:Bond Street|New Bond Street|year=1831|page=279|pageurl=|oclc=3573833|passage=Some with disdain his reasons heard, / While others wisht the cause deferr'd. / Then Ormur spake, in speech of scorn, / Ormur, the friend of Asbiorn, / Who, daring singly to engage, / A jotun, proved his fatal rage.

  3. (quote-book)|year=1908|volume=8|page=214|pageurl=|oclc=54395339|passage=When Christianity became the religion of the people the trolls gradually assumed something of the role formerly played by the more powerful Jotuns.

  4. 1967, w:Ingri and Edgar Parin d'Aulaire|Ingri D'Aulaire; Edgar Parin D'aulaire, “Loki, the God of the Jotun Race”, in Norse Gods and Giants, Garden City, N.Y.: w:Doubleday (publisher)|Doubleday, w:International Standard Book Number|ISBN Special:BookSources/9780385049085 978-0-385-04908-5; republished as DAulaires' Book of Norse Myths'', New York, N.Y.: w:The New York Review of Books|New York Review of Books, 2005, w:International Standard Book Number|ISBN Special:BookSources/9781590171257 978-1-59017-125-7, page 42:

  5. When Odin was still young – before he had hanged himself on Yggdrasil and drunk from the Well of Wisdom – his eyes had fallen on a jotun named Loki.
  6. (quote-book)|year=2001|page=2|isbn=978-1-57607-217-2|passage=The world in which the aesir æsir and jötnar play out their struggle has its own set of place-names but is essentially recognizable as Scandinavia. There are rivers, mountains, forests, oceans, storms, cold weather, fierce winters, eagles, ravens, salmon, and snakes.
